• Ensure service remains at current levels and is able to expand by hiring enough operators and maintenance staff to operate the system. This includes funding from the State to ensure public transportation operations is not cut due to the fiscal cliff facing transit agencies across the State (known as “Survive and Thrive”).
• Accelerating promised transit projects so that they are on time and on budget. Sustainable funding can address the operator shortage, which hinders high-quality, frequent service goals.
• Redirecting FHWA highway funds to prioritize bus, rail, and active transportation projects that improve speed, reliability, and accessibility to better meet the needs of riders, especially BIPOC and low-income riders, students, seniors, and people with disabilities.
• Partnering with ClimatePlan to develop a statewide Executive Order on reducing VMT by prioritizing the
• Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) and road pricing that equitably prioritizes VMT reductions.
• Funding and siting more bus shelters to improve bus riders’ customer experience and climate resiliency in Equity-focused communities.
• Funding a statewide California Student Transit Pass Pilot Program in the California State Budget so that every public school student--K-12, community college, and university--can travel on public transit for free. These programs have immediate, measurable, and lasting impacts on VMT by creating the next generation of transit riders.
• Working with our partner at the South LA Promise Zone (SLATE-Z) to fix street safety so that residents can access vital public infrastructure projects, including the Rail-to-Rail Active Transportation Corridor, Destination Crenshaw, the Florance Ave. Bus Lanes, and other non-automotive transit routes.
•Fund higher speed and electrified regional rail, specifically Metrolink, which provides an alternative to ‘super-commuters,’ the best return on investment for reducing VMT. This will likely take a ballot measure in the South Coast region to fund capital and operations for our regional rail system.