Transit Week Event Virtual Training

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 05:30 PM

From September 30th to October 6th, SoCal Transit Week is an opportunity to celebrate the transit that connects us in the region and imagine how things could be better. Throughout the week, people across the region are putting on fun, educational, and engaging transit-centered events that are open for all. Together we will make SoCal Transit better for everyone.

For SoCal Transit Week, let your imagination run wild. You could host something like a…

  • Beach Party By Transit Day
  • Hiking by Transit  Adventure
  • Taco and Bar Crawl by Bus
  • Crafting on Transit Ride
  • Transit Costume Party
  • History Tour via Transit
  • Transit Field Trip to the Museums
  • SoCal Scavenger Hunt via Transit

Or any number of events you can think of. One of the best parts about SoCal Transit Week is anyone can put on a Transit Week event.

Tune in to this virtual training on August 20 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to learn how to turn your idea into an official SoCal Transit Week event and get the support you need to put something together!